Wednesday, May 9, 2012

100% Test coverage

When you unit test your code, you do this to make sure your code is correct. To make sure you tested the important you keep track of test coverage with tools like Cobertura. You may ask yourself: “What are the important bits?”, “Do I really need to test everything, even the trivial stuff?”.
I regularly read about developers who demand a 100% test coverage. While I find this a lofty goal, I (and I think many other developers) usually skip the trivial parts of the code, like setters and getters.

public class Address {
 private String street;
 public void setStreet(String street) {
     street = street;
 public String getStreet() {
     return street;

It has happened to me that I made a mistake in a setter, which you can glance over pretty easily. I spent considerable time to find this bug and a unit test could have caught that error. Thankfully, it doesn’t occur anymore because Eclipse warns about this.
There is plenty of other code that I think is trivial and not worthy of unit test coverage. Still I surprise myself by introducing bugs in those trivial pieces of code. Should I test even the trivial stuff?

As an experiment, I recently made the effort to reach 100% test coverage and write the tests before/during writing implementing new code (also known as Test Driven Design - TDD). I noticed that this way, you:
  • force yourself to double check the code and review it from a different viewpoint
  • consider different circumstances and input data that the code operates on
  • notice in an early stadium subtle bugs
  • naturally design the code to make testing easier

The surprising conclusion for me is that the process of writing a unit test may be even more important than the resulting unit test.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Using VirtualBox on Ubuntu 11.10

Ubuntu is my regular development environment and to test webapps on Internet Explorer, I use Windows running in VirtualBox. Installing VirtualBox is easy, since you can get it from the Ubuntu Software Center.

To make it really useful, you should install Guest Additions. This enables copy/paste between Ubuntu and Windows, and easy transfer of file by mounting a Ubuntu folder into Windows. You should be able to install Guest Additions by selecting the Devices/Install Guest Additions. However, I get an error message:

Failed to download the VirtualBox Guest Additions CD image from
Error downloading - server replied: Not Found

Apparently, the ISO used to be available from SUN, and is probably shutdown after the Oracle merger. After some googling, I found that you can download the ISO manually here:

After downloading, just mount this ISO as a CD in the VirtualBox settings, boot up Windows and startup the installation yourself. After that, copy/paste and mounting host folders should work.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Add Eclipse to Ubuntu Unity lancher

Just like many other users of Ubuntu, I upgraded a few weeks ago to Ubuntu 11.10 "Oneiric Ocelot". Although the new Unity launcher takes a little time to get used to and has a few quirks, I still like it overall. It takes minimal amount of precious screen real estate and I find the use of the "Windows key" to start applications and find files very productive.

As a software developer I use Eclipse and I like to install some other tools manually under my home directory somewhere.

Add Eclipse to Launcher

To startup Eclipse, I just used the file manager and double clicked on the Eclipse executable. This gets tiresome really quickly. To integrate my self-installed Eclipse into the Unity launcher, you can create a configuration file that will tell the launcher how to startup a custom application like Eclipse.

Create a file with this contents and change the paths to where you installed Eclipse:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Eclipse JEE
Name=Eclipse JEE

Save this file as Eclipse.desktop in the .local/share/applications directory in your home directory.

Now, when you want to startup Eclipse, use the launcher (press the windows button) and enter Eclipse. The launcher should display the Eclipse icon, which you can use to start Eclipse. You will see the icon in the dock and you can keep this in the dock.

Start with specific workspace

When you use multiple workspaces, you can choose the workspace when Eclipse starts up by configuring items on the icon so that you can start a specific workspace.

You can add Shortcut Group items, which you must add to the X-Ayatana-Desktop-Shortcuts property.

This is an example with an option to choose a workspace and two options with specific workspaces:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Eclipse JEE
Name=Eclipse JEE

[ChooseWorkspace Shortcut Group]
Name=Choose workspace

[Workspace1 Shortcut Group]
Name=Privilege trunk
Exec=/home/koert/software/eclipse-indigo-jee/eclipse -name "Trunk" -data /home/koert/project/pretium/workspace

[Workspace2 Shortcut Group]
Name=Privilege branche
Exec=/home/koert/software/eclipse-indigo-jee/eclipse -name "Branch" -data /home/koert/project/pretium/workspaces/branch-prod

This saves me a little bit of time to startup Eclipse in the workspace that I want.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Quickly update your project version with Maven

When you want to update the version of your project, you can edit the pom.xml file and change the version by hand. When you have a project with multiple sub projects, this is time consuming and error prone.
Maven has a very useful utility to quickly update the version of your project, you can just run this Maven command:
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=1.2.0-SNAPSHOT

This will update the version of your current project and its sub projects to "1.2.0-SNAPSHOT". This will save the previous version in backup files so you can revert back with this command:
mvn versions:revert

If you are happy with the results and want to get rid of the backup files, just do a commit with:
mvn versions:commit

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Using GIT as SubVersion (SVN) client

Install git-svn in Ubuntu

All git-* commands are implemented in Ubuntu with the git command: 'git-svn' is in Ubuntu 'git svn', notice the space.


Do a checkout from SVN with
git svn clone -s -r [revision] [SVN URL] [new directory]
The [SVN URL] is the root of your SVN repository, the remote directory that contains your trunk, tags and branches subdirectories. The [revision] is the SVN revision number from which you want to retrieve history from. You may want to limit the history, because it takes time to retrieve all of the history from SVN. Example:
git svn clone -s -r 198 nextaction

Update from SVN

To update your local files from SVN, execute:
git svn rebase
If the update refuses to pull the changes from SVN and displays a message with "needs update", you probably made changes that you have not commited yet. Apparently, you must commit your changes locally first

Commit to GIT

When you make changes to your local files, you can commit them with:
git commit -a -m "Commit message"

Commit to SVN

This will only commit changes to your local GIT repository, to commit (or "push" in the GIT jargon) to SVN, use:
git svn dcommit

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Creating a reusable layout component in Android

Let us say that we want to use a common layout in several places in your user interface. Something like a box with a label and value text view vertically layed out. The application uses the same label/value TextView in 3 different places.

This is the common label/value layout component (file: layout/dashboard_item.xml):
     <TextView android:id="@+id/label"
     <TextView android:id="@+id/value"
We want to use it in a screen definition (file: layout/home.xml):
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""

    <net.kazed.sailor.view.LabelValueItem android:id="@+id/vmg"
Here we reuse the label/value custom component implemented by the LabelValueItem class. This component has one custom attribute: "labelValue:label". Notice that this attribute has a namespace that corresponds with the package name of the Android application (defined in AndroidManifest.xml). The component class retrieves the value of the custom attribute and uses it to set the text of the label TextView (file: src/net/kazed/sailor/view/
public class LabelValueItem extends LinearLayout {
   public LabelValueItem(final Context context, final AttributeSet attrs) {
      super(context, attrs);
      LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.dashboard_item, this, true);

      TypedArray array = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.labelValue, 0, 0);

      TextView label = (TextView) findViewById(;
      String labelText = array.getString(R.styleable.labelValue_label);
      if (labelText != null) {


To make it all work, the application must define the custom attribute (file: values/attr.xml):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <declare-styleable name="labelValue">
      <attr name="label" format="string" />

Monday, February 21, 2011

Error messages for required fields in JSF 1.2

JSF 1.1

When you have required fields in your JSF page, you simple add the required="true" attribute to the inputField and the user will get error message when user the field the field blank.
<h:inputText id="accountnumber" value="#{accountSetting.accountNumber}"
  required="true" />
This is all great, since we don't have to do much as a developer. However, the user gets an ugly error message: "accountForm:accountnumber: Validation Error: Value is required." This message is customizable by overriding this message in your message bundle and is pretty limited in how customized you want it to be.

JSF 1.2

JSF 1.2 and later makes it easier to create custom error messages for required fields, just add the requiredMessage attribute:
<h:inputText id="accountnumber" value="#{accountSetting.accountNumber}"
  required="true" requiredMessage="Account number is required" />
When the user has forgotten to enter something in this field, the JSF framework will display the error message supplied with the requiredMessage attribute. To supply translations for different languages, you can put the message in a resource bundle. Note that you must configure this resource bundle in faces-config.xml like this:
  <!-- ... -->
This makes it possible to use the configured variable "bundle" anywhere in your pages, including the requiredMessage:
<h:inputText id="accountnumber" value="#{accountSetting.accountNumber}"
  required="true" requiredMessage="#{bundle.error_required_accountNumber}" />
I have found that the old way of using the loadBundle JSF component does not work with requiredMessage. The configured resource-bundle in faces-config.xml is much neater anyway.